weight loss balloon

The weight loss balloon is a very simple toy, but has more uses than you might think. You may be able to use it for some fun in the backyard or in your classroom. Or maybe you just want to keep it around to scare away the kids!
weight loss balloon

First of all, it's important to realize that the weight loss balloon is a balloon, not a real person. That means that if you do use it to trick your kids, they won't be hurt by it. In fact, it is perfectly safe. If the child gets scared, for example, he or she can find a way to squish the balloon until it bursts.
You can make it hard to swallow so the child will vomit the desired amount of time. Or you can drop it into the toilet to keep them from using it as a plunger! However, it does take some thinking and skill to do this.
It's also possible to use the weight loss balloon for other things, such as the class program. All you need to do is use the balloon like a water balloon and drop it on the desk of the student whose name is on the list.
After the person reads the list and picks his or her name, let the student hold the weight loss balloon between their teeth. Tell them that this means they have to watch their weight. Then, release the balloon, the child will lose a little bit of weight and the teacher wins some points for humor.
Once the child is down to his or her desired weight, have them repeat the process for a second balloon and a third one. When the teacher has a very overweight student, she can use them all in succession and all three balloons to get the point across.
These are only a few of the uses for weight loss balloons. You may also find them useful in your classroom and anywhere else where you need to teach children.
So, if you want to do something fun with your class, use these balloons. You can even make them as large as you want and put them up in your classroom window and see what happens!

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